Rather spend your money and enjoy your trip, than end up
leaving with lots left over. Travelling can be expensive and when you start
converting every time you buy something you may start to become rather frugal
with your money. This is usually when your currency is weaker than wherever it
is you are visiting.
When I first arrived in London I was so afraid to spend my
money that I hardly bought anything. While I have never regretted this as I used
the money later in my trip I also realised that I had set aside a certain
amount of money to spend on my trip and thus I should spend it. Not end up at
the airport with all my money and nothing to show of my travels or worse with
wishes that I had gone on that tour or gone into that museum which I really
would have liked to see but didn’t because it “cost too much”.
This does not mean you should spend for the sake of
spending, but does mean you should allow yourself to enjoy what you can. Just
budget carefully.
Happy spending.
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